EMPLOYERS Off-Site Transitional Duty Program

Providing short-term work assignments for employees who have temporary medical restrictions that cannot be accommodated by their employer.

About the EMPLOYERS Off-Site Transitional Duty Program

EMPLOYERS has partnered with Genex to offer an Off-Site Transitional Duty Program that provides short-term work assignments for employees who have temporary medical restrictions that cannot be accommodated by their employer. It is a structured return-to-work program that provides meaningful and productive work at local non-profit organizations.

With the Off-Site Transitional Duty Program, employers are not responsible for creating transitional work or supervising the employee. Genex will notify the employee of the transitional job offer through a phone call, e-mail (if applicable) and certified mail. The job tasks are within the physical restrictions outlined by the treating physician and assists the employee with being active during medical recovery.

Program Benefits

This is a valuable program for both injured employees and their employers. The employee remains productively employed, earning a regular wage and benefits, and expedites recovery and return to full duty. In addition, it relieves employers of the burden of training and supervising an employee on transitional duty, and supports local non-profits.