Claim Services
Our 24/7, multi-lingual claim reporting center provides prompt service to injured employees while helping you control your claim cost by working with the injured worker and physicians to help evaluate and administer the appropriate care.

Injured Employee Hotline
EMPLOYERS is pleased to introduce the Injured Employee Hotline, a hotline that is available to policyholders 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is staffed by registered nurses specially trained to provide medical guidance over the phone for new work-related injuries or illnesses. This service is available to injured or ill workers who have not yet received medical treatment.

Pharmacy Benefits & Medical Provider Locator
Obtain provider and pharmacy benefits information for your area.

Report a Claim
EMPLOYERS offers two convenient phone numbers that are available 24/7 to report a claim with less paperwork.

Return to Work Program
EMPLOYERS offer an Off-Site Transitional Duty Program that provides short-term work assignments for employees who have temporary medical restrictions that cannot be accommodated by their employer.